There was so much going on in high school! People were constantly fighting and we were all questioning our worth and importance in this world. How do you answer those overwhelming concepts with no one to turn to but your peers? I am starting to become amazed that anyone really survives past high school.
Anyways, he was ranting and raving a bit about how he hated my decisions at the time. I never knew he had felt that way about my actions. He never said anything about it to me, so reading it today came as somewhat of a shock as to his anger over what had happened. To his defense, I did do the things he had said, to my defense I never knew I had made an error. So who is at fault? Well, I am feeling pretty badly over being a jerk and not knowing it, but the situation stops there. I am not the person I was at the time, I am not in the situation I was at the time and the world has drastically changed since then.
I think I will begin to post the situations in my life on this blog in hopes that through this I will see my mistakes clearly in hopes of not repeating the same mistake twice.
I am fallible. I will always mess up somewhere. I am not perfect, nor will I ever be. But I am called to follow hard after Christ. Jesus Christ. And while I am going to screw up along the way hopefully I can go to that person, ask their forgiveness and try again. I just wish I could have made right my actions against this man that I knew. Well, I suppose he and I are friends now, or at least he is not someone that hates me anymore, so I guess that he forgave me somewhere along the line.
I feel God laying Matthew 5:21-24 on my heart to end this post. His words are way more applicable and worthwhile than mine.
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