Sometimes I wonder if Christians can get away with more in life than non-believers can. We can do the amazing, the impossible, the incredible, and we have the drive and inspiration to complete these amazing things because of Christ dwelling inside each of us. We can move to foreign lands and live amongst people we don't know and introduce Jesus to them, we can introduce a new and more joyful life to our neighbors, and we can approach a God who grants a love of which we are not worthy. And at the same time, by that same "call" of God, we can do horrible things.
Through the "call" of God Europeans went of the Crusades to the "Holy Land". Christians have ruled countries and abused their people, tortured each other, other people, and killed, all in the name of God. And even though atrocities such as these don't really happen anymore, we still, in the "name of God" can do some pretty mean things.
Sometimes I wonder, "what if we're all just a bunch of late teens/twenty-somethings, going about life, doing what we want to do, claiming that we are following the 'call' of God? And following this 'call' gives us the authority to do what we really want to be doing?"
I believe that God does give us signs. He does call us to things. But I also think that American Christians mistake the "call of God" for desires. We say, "God is leading me to move" when we could easily sad "I want to move". Now I'm not saying that everyone who has ever moved wasn't led to, but I feel that sometimes we use the phrases interchangeably.
I know that God leads in many ways. He can give us a sign, He can have someone speak into our lives (talk about a Christian phrase!), or He can block off every other path. But is it impossible that God doesn't "lead" something that is good? Can we be put into a situation where we want to do something that is good without God leading it? If I like a man, and he likes me, and we enjoy each other's company and want the same things in life and encourage each other and are in a place where we can be together, is it necessarily God's leading that brings us together? Or if we don't feel God "calling" us, should we not be together? Is it ok to just do what you want without God saying anything? I don't really have any conclusions or answers... just more and more questions.
Pinterest Cinder Block Bed Frame
5 years ago
1 comment:
Nicely and wisely thought! I love your manner of thinking Liz!
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